/ News - Page 14


Further acclaim for Further acclaim for 'Sparta's German Children'

Helen's monograph, Sparta's German Children: The ideal of ancient Sparta in the Royal Prussian Cadet Corps, 1818-1920, and in National Socialist elite schools (the Napolas), 1933-1945, has been critically acclaimed in the most recent issue of The Classical Review.

The reviewer, Philipp Strauss, praises the book’s quality and the convincing nature of its arguments, concluding that it makes 'a valuable contribution to the research on the mirage spartiate and its transformation in modern societies, as well as to the history of educational institutions'.Read more...

'Challenges in the History of Childhood'

On 16 January 2015, Helen presented a paper entitled 'The Challenges of Engaging with Childhood under the Nazi Regime' at a conference on 'Challenges in the History of Childhood', Queen Mary, University of London.Read more...

Favourable review for Favourable review for 'Hindsight' volume

Hindsight in Greek and Roman History, edited by Anton Powell, to which Helen contributed a chapter entitled 'Spartan Supremacy: A "Possession for Ever"? Early fourth-century expectations of enduring ascendancy' has recently received a favourable review in the German online journal Sehepunkte: Rezensionsjournal für die Geisteswissenschaften.

The reviewer, Uwe Walter, describes the volume as 'very well worth reading, and likely to enliven further scholarship'.Read more...

'Narrating the Nostoi of the Napolaner'

On 29 November 2014, Helen presented a paper entitled 'Narrating the Nostoi of the Napolaner: Nazi elite-school pupils' travels during the collapse of the Third Reich' at a conference on 'War, Travel, Travel Writing', University of East Anglia.Read more...

Invitation to speak at Dauntsey's School

On 18 November 2014, Helen gave a lecture to the 4th and 5th Form History Society at Dauntsey's School, West Lavington, Wiltshire, entitled 'When the Nazis came to Dauntsey's'.Read more...

New publication: New publication: 'Kadettengeschichten: Exploring the Prussian Cadet-School Story'

Helen's essay 'Kadettengeschichten: Exploring the Prussian cadet-school story' has just been published in the catalogue for a new exhibition organised by Durham University's Palace Green Library, entitled Books for Boys: Literacy, Nation and the First World War.

A selection of editions from Helen's comprehensive collection of Prussian cadet-school literature will also be showcased as part of the display. The exhibition, which runs from 27th September 2014 to 11th January 2015, explores boyhood during the earliest years of the twentieth century.Read more...

'The Cadets are Revolting'

On 1 August 2014, Helen presented a paper entitled '"The Cadets are Revolting": Reactionary violence, the Freikorps, and the legacy of the “Great” war for the Royal Prussian Cadet-Corps' at an international conference entitled 'Perspectives on the "Great War" / Rückblick auf den ersten Weltkrieg', Queen Mary, University of London.Read more...

New book review: 'Individuality and Modernity in Berlin' by Moritz Föllmer

Helen's review of Moritz Föllmer's monograph Individuality and Modernity in Berlin: Self and Society from Weimar to the Wall (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013), has recently been published in the Book Reviews section of the Wiener Library Blog.Read more...

Books for Boys – Exhibition at Durham University Library

A selection of editions from Helen's comprehensive collection of Prussian cadet-school literature are to be displayed in a forthcoming exhibition at Durham University's Palace Green Library, entitled 'Books for Boys: Heroism, Adventure and Empire at the Dawn of the First World War'. The exhibition is the first in a series linked to the national centenary commemoration of the First World War.Read more...

Field Notes with Dr. Martijn Eickhoff at CRASSH

On 28 May 2014, Helen acted as discussant for the Cambridge Field Notes Seminar, in response to a paper by Dr. Martijn Eickhoff, entitled 'Witness to a Greater Germanic Past? The SS-Ahnenerbe and the Archaeological Research Sites of Dolni Věstonice and Solone'.Read more...