/ / January

Month: January 2013

New publication: New publication: 'The Leaders of the Third Reich and the Spartan Nationalist Paradigm'

Helen's article, '"In Sparta fühlte ich mich wie in einer deutschen Stadt" (Goebbels): The Leaders of the Third Reich and the Spartan Nationalist paradigm' has just been published in a volume entitled English and German Nationalist and Antisemitic Discourse, 1871-1945, edited by Felicity Rash, Geraldine Horan and Daniel Wildmann.

The article is based on a paper presented at an eponyomous conference which took place at Queen Mary, University of London, in November 2010.Read more...

Books worth (re)readingBooks worth (re)reading

Review essay, published in the International Journal of Play 5 (3), 2016 (special issue on Histories of Play, edited by Kate Darian-Smith and Simon Sleight), pp. 343-345.Featuring George Eisen's Children and Play in the Holocaust: Games Among the Shadows (1988); Nicholas Stargardt's Witnesses of War: Children’s Lives under the Nazis (2006); Heidi Rosenbaum's “Und trotzdem war’s ’ne schöne Zeit”: Kinderalltag im Nationalsozialismus (2014), and Bastian Fleermann and Benedikt Mauer (eds) Kriegskinder: Kriegskindheiten in Düsseldorf 1939–1945 (2015).Read more...