/ News


New Publications on German Perceptions of ItalyNew Publications on German Perceptions of Italy

Helen has recently published two new articles in the leading historical journals Ricerche Storiche and European History Quarterly; 'Italiani Cattiva Gente? Anti-Italian Stereotypes and the Obfuscation of War Crimes in German Perpetrator Narratives from the Italian Theatre of War' (with Dario Pasquini), and 'Nazi Elite-School Pupils as Youth Ambassadors Between Fascist Italy and the Third Reich'.Read more...

Christopherson-Knott Fellowship at Durham's Institute of Advanced Study

In 2023-2024, Helen has been appointed as a Christopherson-Knott Foundation Fellow at Durham University's Institute of Advanced Study, leading a Major Interdisciplinary Research Project as part of the Institute's programme for the academic year.Read more...

'The Third Reich's Elite Schools' Now Out in Paperback

Helen's monograph The Third Reich's Elite Schools: A History of the Napolas has now been released in an affordable paperback edition. To purchase a copy, you can visit the Oxford University Press website here.Read more...

Interview with Interview with 'The Press Project'

Helen has recently been interviewed by Konstantinos Poulis of 'The Press Project', a news organisation based in Athens. You can watch the interview on YouTube here.Read more...

Critical Acclaim for Critical Acclaim for 'The Third Reich's Elite Schools'

Thus far, Helen's second book The Third Reich's Elite Schools: A History of the Napolas has received critical acclaim in ten different periodicals, ranging from the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung to Historical Studies in Education.Read more...

New Article: New Article: 'The Biopolitics of Education in the Third Reich's "Special Schools" and "Elite Schools"'

Helen's latest article, in collaboration with Lisa Pine, has now been published in The Historical Journal.

This article draws attention to education as a previously under-researched category of intervention in the history of modern biopolitics. The two case-studies cover both extremes of the spectrum of biological selection in education, from the negative, eugenic policies applied to supposedly ‘abnormal’ pupils at the so-called ‘special schools’, to the ‘positive’ biological selection of elite-school applicants at the Napolas.Read more...

New Publications on Testimonies and Nazi Boarding SchoolsNew Publications on Testimonies and Nazi Boarding Schools

Two of Helen's essays have recently been published in edited collections from Palgrave Macmillan: 'Nazi Elite Boarding Schools and the Attempted Creation of a New Class System', in Global Perspectives on Boarding Schools in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, edited by Daniel Gerster and Felicity Jenz, and (with Achim Saupe) 'Testimonies in Historiography and Oral History', in The Palgrave Handbook of Testimony and Culture, edited by Sara Jones and Roger Woods.Read more...

'The Third Reich's Elite Schools' featured in An Evolving Man podcast

Helen's book The Third Reich's Elite Schools: A History of the Napolas has recently been featured by boarding-school syndrome expert and therapist Piers Cross on his podcast 'An Evolving Man'. You can watch the podcast on Youtube here.Read more...

New Book Reviews

In 2022, three of Helen's book reviews were published in History. The Journal of the Historical Association, the Journal of Hellenic Studies and Germania: Anzeiger der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts.


Glowing Review for 'The Third Reich's Elite Schools' in the FAZ

On 13 May 2022, Helen's book The Third Reich's Elite Schools: A History of the Napolas received an extremely favourable review in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, one of Germany's leading broadsheets. The book has also received critical acclaim in the online journal Sehepunkte.Read more...