Month: September 2020

History of Humanities 5 (1), 2020 (special issue on "Forgetting in the History of the Humanities", ed. Han Lamers, Toon Van Hal), pp. 165-77.
This case study takes Volker Losemann’s recently published collection of essays, Clio und die Nationalsozialisten, and the (often far from complimentary) reception of his groundbreaking work on classics in the Third Reich since the 1970s, as a starting point to reflect on wider discourses that have led to academic “forgetting” of this period in German classical scholarship.Read more...
Helen's review of Paul Fox's The Image of the Soldier in German Military Culture, 1871-1933 (London: Bloomsbury, 2018), has just been published in Central European History journal.Read more...

Review of The Image of the Soldier in German Culture, 1871-1933 by Paul Fox (London: Bloomsbury, 2018), published in Central European History 53 (3), September 2020, pp. 664-5.
Paul Fox’s recent study, which takes a longue-durée approach to popular representations of Prusso-German militarism, tracing continuities from the mid-nineteenth century to the interwar period, purports to break substantial new ground.Read more...