Month: April 2013

Review of Christian Ingrao's Believe and Destroy: Intellectuals in the SS War Machine (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2013), published in the Book Reviews section of the Wiener Library Blog.
In 2006, a publishing sensation erupted in France with the publication of Jonathan Littell's The Kindly Ones, a novel which sought to recreate the motivation and incremental brutalisation of an intelligent, educated SS officer, as he becomes ever more damningly implicated in the horrors of the Holocaust.Read more...
On 30 April 2013, Helen presented a talk on her recent research at one of Lucy Cavendish College's Anna Bidder Research Evenings.Read more...
On 23 April 2013, Helen gave a talk on her recently published monograph to the German department at Swansea University.Read more...
Presented at Declines and Falls: Perspectives in European History and Historiography - Twenty Years of the European Review of History / Revue européenne d'histoire - An Anniversary Conference, Central European University, Budapest, 17 May 2013.Read more...
On 5 April 2013, Helen presented a paper entitled 'Goebbels' Grecian Obsession: Philhellenism and the leaders of the Third Reich' at the Classical Association Conference 2013, University of Reading.Read more...