Month: May 2013

Review of Anne C. Nagel's Hitlers Bildungsreformer. Das Reichsministerium für Wissenschaft, Erziehung und Volksbildung 1934-1945 (Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch, 2012), in Reviews in History.
What's in a name? Often, particularly with books marketed at a more popular audience, all too much seems to be at stake - the controversy caused by Paul Preston's The Spanish Holocaust being a recent case in point. Thus far, criticism of Anne C. Nagel's 2012 volume, Hitlers Bildungsreformer, has followed similar lines.Read more...

Review of Moritz Föllmer's in Individuality and Modernity in Berlin: Self and Society from Weimar to the Wall (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013), published in the Book Reviews section of the Wiener Library Blog.
All too often, it is glibly assumed that the rise of individuality, the spirit of modernity, and the triumph of democracy must necessarily go hand in hand. Moritz Föllmer’s new monograph provides an important corrective to this frequently uninterrogated set of assumptions.Read more...
On 29 May 2013, Helen presented a paper to the Classics Department at Reading University.Read more...
Presented at an international conference on 'Post-Classicisms', University of Cambridge, 17 June 2013.Read more...
On 24 May 2013, Helen gave a public lecture at the Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide, Russell Square, London.Read more...
On 17 May 2013, Helen presented a paper entitled '"Blüte und Zerfall"?: "Schematic Narrative Templates" of Decline and Fall in National Socialist Racial Ideology' at an international conference held at the Central European University, Budapest.Read more...
Public lecture, given at the Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide, London, 24 May 2013.Read more...
On 4 May 2013, Helen co-organised a one-day colloquium on 'Greece and/or Rome', which was held at the Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge, as part of the Faculty's regular series of 'Classical Reception Discussion Group' seminars and colloquia.Read more...