Panel presented at the European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC) 2014, International Institute for Social History, Vienna, 23 April 2014.Read more...
Presented at the Life-Cycles Seminar, Institute of Historical Research, University of London, 25 February 2014.Read more...
Presented at the Modern German History Workshop, University of Cambridge, 17 February 2014.Read more...
Presented at the University of Manchester as part of a seminar series entitled 'Young in Dangerous Times: Children and Youth in Global History', 13 February 2014.Read more...
Presented at the Classics Department, University of Nottingham, in association with the Centre for Spartan and Peloponnesian Studies, 11 February 2014.Read more...
Guest lecture, presented at the Centre for History and Culture of the Eastern Mediterranean (Centrum für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Mittelmeerraums), Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, 23 January 2014.Read more...
Presented at the Cambridge Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH) Fieldnotes Seminar, 11 November 2013.Read more...
Presented at an international conference entitled 'Nationalsozialismus und Regionalbewußtsein im östlichen Europa: Ideologie - Machtausbau - Beharrung', organised by the Europäisches Netzwerk Erinnerung und Solidarität and the Institut für Zeitgeschichte, 24 October 2013.Read more...
Presented at an international conference entitled Children and War: Past and Present, University of Salzburg, 10 July 2013.Read more...
Presented at a workshop on 'Formen und Medien der Erinnerung', hosted by the Arbeitsgruppe ZeugInnenschaft, Zentrum Jüdische Studien Berlin-Brandenburg, 5 July 2013.Read more...