/ Talks - Page 7


Die Klosterschule Ilfeld als Nationalpolitische Erziehungsanstalt

Presented at a conference entitled 'ExpertInnen Workshop: Die Klosterkammer in der NS-Zeit - Relevante Fragen, Quellenlage, vorläufige Thesen', Institut für Didaktik der Demokratie, Leibniz Universität Hannover, 17 April 2015.Read more...

The Challenges of Engaging with Childhood under the Nazi Regime

Presented at an international conference on Challenges in the History of Childhood, Queen Mary, University of London, 16 January 2015.Read more...

Narrating the Nostoi of the Napolaner: Nazi elite-school pupils' travels during the collapse of the Third Reich

Presented at a conference on War, Travel, Travel Writing, University of East Anglia, 29 November 2014.Read more...

When the Nazis came to Dauntsey's…

Guest lecture, presented to the 4th and 5th form History Society, Dauntsey's School, 18 November 2014.Read more...

Active Agents or Passive Witnesses? Napola-pupils' encounters with Jewish persecution and the Holocaust

Presented at the Modern German History Workshop, University of Cambridge, 17 November 2014.Read more...

'The Cadets are Revolting': Reactionary violence, the Freikorps, and the legacy of the “Great” war for the Royal Prussian Cadet-Corps

Presented at an international conference entitled 'Perspectives on the "Great War" / Rückblick auf den ersten Weltkrieg', Queen Mary, University of London, 1 August 2014.Read more...

Another Greece: Unexplored aspects of 19th and 20th-century German philhellenism

Panel presented at the European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC) 2014, International Institute for Social History, Vienna, 23 April 2014.Read more...

Education for Death? The glorification of self-sacrificial heroism in Prussian cadet-school literature

Presented at the Life-Cycles Seminar, Institute of Historical Research, University of London, 25 February 2014.Read more...

Writing a History of the Napolas: Problems and perspectives

Presented at the Modern German History Workshop, University of Cambridge, 17 February 2014.Read more...

Nazi Elite Schools and International Exchange

Presented at the University of Manchester as part of a seminar series entitled 'Young in Dangerous Times: Children and Youth in Global History', 13 February 2014.Read more...