/ News - Page 6


Invitation to speak at the Wewelsburg

On 14 September 2019, Helen gave a talk at the Wewelsburg as part of a symposium entitled “Demokratie und Diktatur in Deutschland aus britischer Sicht”, alongside historians Mary Fulbrook, Caroline Pearce and Helen Boak.Read more...

Appointment to Academic Advisory Board, 'Nordhausen April 1945'

Helen has been appointed to the academic advisory board of a project entitled ‘Nordhausen April 1945: Hintergründe, Opfer, Erinnerung’, initiated by Nordhausen Town Council and its Mayor, Kai Buchmann, to research the genesis of the Allied bombing raid which took place in April 1945 and destroyed the whole of Nordhausen’s medieval city, and its ramifications in post-war GDR memory culture.Read more...

Invitation to speak at the Freie Universität Berlin

On 22 March 2019, Helen presented a paper entitled ‘Nazi elite-school pupils as youth ambassadors between Fascist Italy and the Third Reich’ at an international conference on Comparing the Cultural History of Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, Freie Universität Berlin.Read more...

Invitation to speak at Durham University's Institute of Advanced Studies

On 19 March 2019, Helen presented a paper entitled ‘Back to the Ancient Future! Classicising National Imaginaries in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany’ as part of a seminar series entitled ‘We the People? Community Beyond the State’, hosted by Durham University’s Institute of Advanced Studies.Read more...

Invitation to speak at Durham's Centre for Nineteenth-Century Studies

On 8 February 2019, Helen presented a paper entitled ‘Archival Violence and Violent Institutions: Researching the Royal Prussian Cadet-Corps (1818-1920)’ at an international interdisciplinary conference on The Nineteenth-Century Archive as a Discourse of Power, hosted by Durham University’s Centre for Nineteenth-Century Studies.Read more...

Invitation to speak at Durham University

On 30 January 2019, Helen presented a paper entitled ‘Nazifying the Classics? Humanistic Education in Hitler’s Germany’ to the Work-in-Progress Seminar, Department of Classics, Durham University.Read more...

New Publication: Die Klosterschule IlfeldNew Publication: Die Klosterschule Ilfeld

Helen's article ‘Die Klosterschule Ilfeld als Nationalpolitische Erziehungsanstalt’ has just been published in Die Klosterkammer Hannover 1931-1955: Eine Mittelbehörde zwischen wirtschaftlicher Rationalität und Politisierung, ed. Detlef Schmiechen Ackermann et al., Göttingen (Wallstein).

The volume was published as part of a long-standing investigation of the history of the Klosterkammer Hannover under National Socialism, funded by the Volkswagen-Stiftung.Read more...

Public Lecture at the Volkshochschule Hannover

November 2018, Helen gave a public lecture entitled ‘Die Klosterschule Ilfeld als Nationalpolitische Erziehungsanstalt’ at the concluding conference of the Volkswagen-funded research project ‘Die Klosterkammer Hannover in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus’, which was held at the Volkshochschule in Hannover.Read more...

Invitation to speak at Professor Arnd Bauerkämper's Seminar

On 26 November 2018, Helen presented a paper entitled ‘Mussolini’s “Third Rome”, Hitler’s Third Reich, and the Allure of Antiquity’ at Professor Arnd Bauerkämper’s Historical Research Seminar, Freie Universität Berlin.Read more...

Invitation to speak at UEA

On 14 November 2018, Helen presented a paper entitled 'Nazi Elite Schools and the Third Reich's Germanisation programme' to the Modern History Seminar at the University of East Anglia.Read more...