/ News - Page 4


'Claiming the Classical'

On 11 November 2020, Helen Roche and Sam Agbamu hosted a round table discussion on behalf of the 'Claiming the Classical' Research Network, as part of an international zoom conference on 'Classical Controversies', held at Leiden University, Netherlands.Read more...

Durham-Münster Postgraduate Workshop 2020

On 6 November 2020, Helen organised the annual Durham-Münster Postgraduate Workshop - part of an ongoing collaboration between the History Departments at Durham and the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster.Read more...

New Book Review: 'Building a Nazi Europe'

Helen's review of Martin Gutmann's monograph Building a Nazi Europe: The SS's Germanic Volunteers (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017), has just been published in History: The Journal of the Historical Association.Read more...

New Book Review: 'The Image of the Soldier in German Military Culture'

Helen's review of Paul Fox's The Image of the Soldier in German Military Culture, 1871-1933 (London: Bloomsbury, 2018), has just been published in Central European History journal.Read more...

Nomination for Philip Leverhulme Prize

Helen has recently been nominated for the Philip Leverhulme Prize in History.
The prizes are awarded by the Leverhulme Trust to researchers at an early stage of their careers whose work has had international impact, and whose future research career is deemed to be exceptionally promising.Read more...

'Sparta Live!' podcast on 'The Legacy of Sparta in Modern Politics'

On 30 July 2020, Helen joined Professor Stephen Hodkinson and Dr Philip Davies of the University of Nottingham for a live discussion of Sparta’s legacy in modern politics, part of a series entitled ‘Sparta Live!’, which is being broadcast to celebrate the 2,500th anniversary of the Battle of Thermopylae.Read more...

New Publication: Forgetting in the History of the HumanitiesNew Publication: Forgetting in the History of the Humanities

Helen’s article, Eine Vergangenheit, die lieber vergessen wird? Scholarly Habitus-Forming, Professional Amnesia, and Postwar Engagement with Nazi Classical Scholarship’ has just been published in History of the Humanities journal, as part of a special issue on ‘Forgetting in the History of the Humanities’, edited by Han Lamers and Toon van Hal.

Helen's brief article took Volker Losemann’s recently published collection of essays, entitled Clio und die Nationalsozialisten, as a starting point.Read more...

Renegotiating History in Light of the 'Greek Crisis'

On 15 May 2020, Helen’s podcast on ‘The Impact of Historical Philhellenism on Germany’s View of the Greek Crisis’, first presented in March 2016, was featured at the University of Oxford’s Modern Greek Virtual Seminar.Read more...

New Book Review: The “New Man” in Radical Right Ideology and Practice, 1919-1945

Helen’s review of The “New Man” in Radical Right Ideology and Practice, 1919-1945, edited by Jorge Dagnino, Matthew Feldman, and Paul Stocker (London: Bloomsbury, 2018), has just been published in Reviews in History, the Institute of Historical Research e-journal.Read more...

Invitation to speak at St Andrew's School, Delaware

On 21 April 2020, Helen gave a zoom seminar presentation on Napola exchanges with U.S. academies to an upper-level history class at St Andrew's School, Delaware.Read more...