Helen's article '"Spartanische Pädagogik deutscher Art": The influence of Sparta on the Royal Prussian Cadet Schools' has recently been published in an edited volume entitled Das antike Sparta, edited by Anton Powell and Vassiliki Pothou.Read more...
On 5 December 2016, Helen convened and spoke at a panel on 'Places of Amnesia', part of a conference entitled 'Thinking through the Future of Memory', the inaugural meeting of the Memory Studies Association, University of Amsterdam.Read more...
Helen's review essay, 'Books worth (re)reading', featuring important works on childhood by George Eisen, Nicholas Stargardt, Heidi Rosenbaum, Bastian Fleermann and Benedikt Mauer, has recently been published in a special issue of the International Journal of Play, entitled Histories of Play, edited by Kate Darian-Smith and Simon Sleight.Read more...
On 12 November 2016, Helen presented a paper entitled 'Spartan pedagogy, German style? Prussian military education and the Spartanparadigm' at an international conference on the theme 'Married to the Military: Soldier's Families in the Ancient World and Beyond', organised by the Open University in London.Read more...
On 8 November 2016, Helen presented a lecture to the Wolfson College Humanities Society entitled 'Researching Children's Histories under the Third Reich: Some challenges explored'.Read more...
On 24 October 2016, Helen gave a public lecture at Nordhausen's Museum Tabakspeicher on 'Napola Ilfeld and other Nazi Elite Schools in Central Germany', which attracted a record-breaking audience of 130, as well as gaining a variety of local media coverage.Read more...
On 24 October 2016, Helen gave a public lecture at the Museum Tabakspeicher, Nordhausen am Harz, entitled 'Die Napola Ilfeld und andere NS-Eliteanstalten in Mitteldeutschland'.Read more...
On 21 October 2016, at the invitation of Professor Norbert Frei, Helen presented a paper entitled 'Erziehung und Entbürgerlichung' at an international symposium on 'Wie bürgerlich war der Nationalsozialismus?' ('How bourgeois was National Socialism?'), which took place at Jena University's Centre for 20th-century History.Read more...
On 14 October 2016, Helen hosted a DAAD-funded workshop on "Private perspectives on Gewalt and Herrschaft in National Socialist Germany" at Pembroke College, Cambridge.Read more...

Helen's article, 'Sport, Leibeserziehung und vormilitärische Ausbildung in den Nationalpolitischen Erziehungsanstalten' (Sport, Physical Education and Premilitary Training at the Nationalpolitische Erziehungsanstalten), has just been published in the 2016 issue of the German journal Beiträge zur Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus, entitled Sport und Nationalsozialismus (Sport and National Socialism), edited by Frank Becker and Ralf Schäfer.Read more...