Presented at an international conference entitled Comparing the Cultural History of Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, Freie Universität Berlin, 22 March 2019.Read more...
Presented at an international interdisciplinary conference entitled The Nineteenth-Century Archive as a Discourse of Power, Centre for Nineteenth-Century Studies, University of Durham, 8 February 2019.Read more...
Presented as part of a seminar series entitled ‘We the People? Community Beyond the State’, Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Durham, 19 March 2019.Read more...
Presented at the WiP Research Seminar, Department of Classics, University of Durham, 30 January 2019.Read more...
Presented at the Abschlusstagung des Forschungsprojekts “Die Klosterkammer Hannover in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus”, Volkshochschule Hannover, 28 November 2018.Read more...
Presented at Professor Arnd Bauerkämper’s Historical Research Seminar, Freie Universität Berlin, 26 November 2018.Read more...
Presented at the Modern History Research Seminar, School of History, University of East Anglia, 14 November 2018.Read more...
Presented at an international conference entitled 'Make Revolution Great Again: The Context and Legacy of the 1918-19 German Revolution', All Souls College, Oxford, 10 November 2018.Read more...
Presented at the History Research Seminar, Department of History and Welsh History, Aberystwyth University, 10 October 2018.Read more...
Presented at an international conference entitled 'Aftermath: German and Austrian cultural responses to the end of World War I', King's College London, 15 September 2018.Read more...