/ / October

Month: October 2024

'A (Partial) Encyclopedia of the Fasces'

Review of T. Corey Brennan's The Fasces: A History of Ancient Rome's Most Dangerous Political Symbol (New York: Oxford University Press), Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics 32 (1), Spring/Summer 2024, 177-91.

The fasces—the bundled axes and rods which symbolized power and punishment in ancient Rome—have often exerted a powerful hold on the Western imagination, long before their adoption by Mussolini led to their co-option for the term “fascist”, with all of its stark, unsavory, and brutal political connotations.Read more...

Review of Review of 'Heritage and Nationalism' by Chiara Bonacchi

Review of Chiara Bonacchi, Heritage and Nationalism: Understanding Populism through Big Data (London: UCL Press, 2022), Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 30 (3), September 2024, 837-8.

The politicization of the past has long been a key concern for archaeologists, historians, and heritage professionals. However, with the recent advent of social media, new opportunities to research the resonance of distant pasts in populist rhetoric now abound – if such sources can be harnessed appropriately.Read more...

Filming Trip to Germany Featured in the Local PressFilming Trip to Germany Featured in the Local Press

In September 2024, Helen and film-maker Alan Fentiman undertook further filming for Helen's forthcoming documentary project on the history of the Napolas, focused on an archive of video interviews with former Napola-pupils. The film-crew's visit to Illenau was featured in the local press, including the Acherner Rench-Zeitung and the Badische Neueste Nachrichten –Read more...

Election to Fellowship of the Royal Historical Society

In September 2024, Helen was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society (FRHistS).Read more...