Year: 2020
Helen’s most recent edited volume, the Brill Companion to the Classics, Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany (2018) has received another extremely favourable review in the Bryn Mawr Classical Review (BMCR).
"In the last two decades, a growing number of monographs, articles and conference proceedings dedicated to the use and abuse of the classical past have seen the light. This volume is a welcome addition to that body of work and offers fresh perspectives on the (mis)appropriation of the classical past by Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany.Read more...
On 24 January 2020, Helen presented a paper entitled ‘Back to the Ancient Greek Future? Greek Antiquity as Paradigm in National Socialist Classical Education’ at an international conference on 'Writing Ancient History in the Interwar Period', Newcastle University.Read more...
Review of The Image of the Soldier in German Culture, 1871-1933 by Paul Fox (London: Bloomsbury, 2018), published in Central European History 53 (3), September 2020, pp. 664-5.
Paul Fox’s recent study, which takes a longue-durée approach to popular representations of Prusso-German militarism, tracing continuities from the mid-nineteenth century to the interwar period, purports to break substantial new ground.Read more...