Year: 2013

Review of Daniel M. Knight, History, Time, and Economic Crisis in Central Greece (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015) and Sheila Lecoeur, Mussolini’s Greek Island: Fascism and the Italian Occupation of Syros in World War II (London: I.B. Tauris, 2015), in Reviews in History.
There were times during the resurgence of the economic crisis in 2015 when it seemed as if 'Greek-bashing' had become a pan-European pastime. In this fraught international context, Daniel Knight’s first monograph provides a salutary reminder of the human consequences of austerity.Read more...
Public lecture, given at the Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide, London, 24 May 2013.Read more...
On 4 May 2013, Helen co-organised a one-day colloquium on 'Greece and/or Rome', which was held at the Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge, as part of the Faculty's regular series of 'Classical Reception Discussion Group' seminars and colloquia.Read more...
On 30 April 2013, Helen presented a talk on her recent research at one of Lucy Cavendish College's Anna Bidder Research Evenings.Read more...

Review of Johanna Hanink's The Classical Debt: Greek Antiquity in an Era of Austerity (Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2017), in Reviews in History.
At the height of the Greek financial crisis, reports from colleagues based in Athens painted a sorry picture of citizens who had fallen upon hard times desperately rummaging in dustbins to supplement their dwindling larders. The statistics told an even grimmer story – between 2010 and 2011, suicide rates in Greece rose by 40 per cent.Read more...
On 23 April 2013, Helen gave a talk on her recently published monograph to the German department at Swansea University.Read more...
Presented at Declines and Falls: Perspectives in European History and Historiography - Twenty Years of the European Review of History / Revue européenne d'histoire - An Anniversary Conference, Central European University, Budapest, 17 May 2013.Read more...
On 5 April 2013, Helen presented a paper entitled 'Goebbels' Grecian Obsession: Philhellenism and the leaders of the Third Reich' at the Classical Association Conference 2013, University of Reading.Read more...
Presented at the Classical Association Conference 2013, University of Reading, 5 April 2013.Read more...
Presented at an international conference on Anglo-German Perceptions and Prejudices since 1800, University of Cambridge, 21-22 March 2013.Read more...