'Another Greece' ESSHC panel

On 23 April 2014, a panel organised by Helen Roche and Lara Day, entitled ‘Another Greece: Unexplored Aspects of 19th and 20th-century German Philhellenism’, took place at the European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC) 2014, International Institute for Social History, Vienna, as part of the ‘Culture Network’.

The papers included were as follows:

Lara Day (University of Edinburgh): ‘The Disparate Nature of the Philhellenist Ideal in the Work of Artistic Polemicists Arthur Moeller van den Bruck, Karl Scheffler and Paul Schultze-Naumburg’.

Norman Domeier (University of Stuttgart): ‘The Invention of the Hypervirile Homosexual: Military, homosexual and philhellenist discourses c. 1900’.

Sebastian Matzner (University of Oxford): ‘The Renaissance of Eros Uranios: Benedict Friedländer, the “Gemeinschaft der Eigenen“, and Counter-cultural Philhellenism in Fin-de-Siècle Germany’.

Helen Roche (University of Cambridge): ‘”Anti-Enlightenment”: National Socialist educators’ troubled relationship with humanism and the philhellenist tradition’.

The session was chaired by Jan Vermeiren (UEA), and the discussant was Richard Wetzell (GHI Washington).

For a description of the panel and mini-abstracts for each paper, click here.