/ Talks - Page 2


Exploring Transnational Fascism

Research Introduction, presented virtually at the NETWoRC seminar, Northumbria University, 3 November 2020.Read more...

The Third Reich's Elite Schools

Presented at the History Department Research Seminar, Durham University, 20 October 2021.Read more...

Getting Ahead in Classical Reception Studies

Keynote presentation, presented virtually at the launch conference of the European Classical Reception Research Network, St. Andrews, 29 May 2021.Read more...

Nazi Elite-School Exchange Programmes with British Public Schools during the 1930s

Public lecture, given on zoom as part of the Gala Theatre's 'History Now' lecture series, Durham, 23 November 2020.Read more...

Napola Exchanges with U.S. Academies

Zoom presentation, given to upper-level history pupils at St Andrew's School, Delaware, 21 April 2020.Read more...

Back to the Ancient Greek Future? Greek Antiquity as Paradigm in National Socialist Classical Education

Presented at an international conference entitled Writing Ancient History in the Interwar Period (1918-1939), Newcastle University, 24 January 2020.Read more...

Theorising the Use and Abuse of the Classical past in Mussolini's Third Rome and Hitler's Third Reich

Presented at an international conference entitled Classics and the Spectacular under Fascism: Classical Performance in the ‘Ventennio Fascista, Ioannou Centre, University of Oxford, 16 December 2019.Read more...

Aryan Antiquity? The Rhetoric of Race in Nazi Pedagogy (and beyond)

Presented at an international conference entitled Is Europe Inclusive? Politics, Discourses and Practices, Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen, 14 November 2019.Read more...

"Zwischen Freundschaft und Feindschaft": Austauschprogramme zwischen den Nationalpolitischen Erziehungsanstalten und den Britischen “Public Schools”– eine Fallstudie

Presented at the 11. Wissenschaftliches Symposium: Demokratie und Diktatur in Deutschland aus britischer Sicht, Kreismuseum Wewelsburg, 14 September 2019.Read more...

Forming the “auserlesene Volksgemeinschaft”: The Nationalpolitische Erziehungsanstalten and Nazi Educational Practice

Presented at the German History Society Annual Conference, King’s College London, 4 September 2019.