/ News - Page 7


Invitation to speak at All Soul's College, Oxford

On 10 November 2018, Helen presented a paper entitled 'Reactionary Violence, the Freikorps, and the Legacy of War and Revolution for the Royal Prussian Cadet-Corps' at an international conference entitled 'Make Revolution Great Again: The Context and Legacy of the 1918-19 German Revolution', All Souls College, Oxford.Read more...

Claiming the Classical 'Mapping Workshop'

On 9 November 2018, Helen and Naoise Mac Sweeney organised a Mapping Workshop for the recently-founded 'Claiming the Classical' Research Network at the Institute of Classical Studies, London.Read more...

Critical acclaim for 'Brill Companion' in 'Fascism' and 'History of Humanities'


Invitation to speak at Aberystwyth University

On 10 October 2018, Helen presented a paper entitled 'The Third Reich's Elite Schools and Nazi Imperialism' at Aberystwyth University's History Research Seminar.Read more...

'The Austrian Bundeserziehungsanstalten'

On 15 September 2018, Helen presented a paper entitled 'The Austrian Bundeserziehungsanstalten, 1919-1933: Hotbeds Of Radicalism Or Seedbeds Of Reaction?' at an international conference entitled 'Aftermath: German and Austrian Cultural Responses to the End of World War I', held at King's College London.Read more...

New Book Review: 'Making Prussians, Making Germans'

Helen's review of Making Prussians, Raising Germans: A Cultural History of Prussian State-Building after Civil War, 1866-1935, by Jasper Heinzen (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017) has recently appeared in German History.Read more...

'Nazi Elite-School Pupils' Anti-Semitic Activism'

On 24 July 2018, Helen presented a paper entitled 'Nazi Elite-School Pupils' Anti-Semitic Activism and the Holocaust' at the fifth annual conference of the British Association for Holocaust Studies, University of Leeds.Read more...

New Publication: New Publication: 'Schulische Erziehung und Entbürgerlichung'

Helen's article 'Schulische Erziehung und Entbürgerlichung' has just been published in a volume edited by Norbert Frei, entitled Wie bürgerlich war der Nationalsozialismus?.

This article uses the elite education provided by the Napolas, the Third Reich's most prominent elite schools, as a case study of the manifold ways in which elements of a bürgerlich habitus were cultivated during the Third Reich, despite the Nazi movement’s claims to embody socialist principles.Read more...

Conference on "The Politics of Amnesia"

On 2-4 July 2018, along with colleagues Philipp Ebert and Henning Grunwald, Helen co-organised an international conference funded by the DAAD Cambridge Research Hub, entitled 'The Politics of Amnesia: Germany and Beyond, 1800-2018'.Read more...

'From Winckelmania to the Wehrmacht'

On 29 June 2018, Helen presented a paper entitled 'From Winckelmania to the Wehrmacht: Receptions of Winckelmann in the German-speakingworld' at an international workshop entitled 'Ideals and Nations: New perspectives on the European reception of Winckelmann’s aesthetics', Christ Church College, Oxford.Read more...